Friday, August 8, 2008

Everything is Wet

Summer and I do not get along. I don't enjoy the heat and jeebus knows I don't handle humidity well. But this summer has been excessively humid in the Boston area. Every year I forget what it means to have a dewpoint in the high 60's or lower 70's but when it hits and then stays for months...I cease to function. Yes, I know I said the same thing about winter with the snow and blah blah blah but it still holds true that winter also overstays its welcome.

One of the worst parts about how many sticky, humid days as well as all the rain we've been getting lately is that everything in my house feels moist. Gah, that's a gross little word. mmmooooiisssssssssstt. It just feels damp. About 3 years ago we bought our first set of brand new living room furniture. This was a new concept for both of us having grown up with hand-me-down stuff as well as furnishing several apartments and eventually our house with a hodge-podge of stuff we got (mostly) for free over the years. I'm not putting down mix-and-match decorating but it just was time for us to have stuff that matched. So we bought it and it looks lovely.

an older pic but the layout is the same.

Here's the rub. We didn't opt for the stain guard chemical thing and we really should have. Not so much for the occassional spilling of beverage and/or dropping a bit of chicken tikki masala, but more so for the ... how do I put this ... summer months? You see? It's hot out? No air conditioning? ew(I should point out that this really only applies to my chair and not so much the couch where the Wiff tends to sit. She's nowhere near as gross as I am). And I'd like very much to shampoo the furniture but goddammit everything is already wet with the humidity. So I have to wait until the drier months come so that the cleaner will actually dry.

Also, I'm thinking we made a mistake buying furniture stuffed with down. I think (no actual proof mind you) that it feels hotter in the summer months than say foam would. I dunno just bring on September already will ya?

1 comment:

Inkwell said...

Mmmmm. I'd like a nice snack in my moist slacks.